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300 Ltr
-Vertical tank
With an efficient design and manageable size, the 300-Ltr vertical tank has numerous industrial applications. You can use it to store chemicals and solvents used in chemical manufacturing. Since the 300-litre vertical tank is made of stainless steel and meets strict hygiene standards, it is suitable for use in the food and beverage industry, enabling you to store liquid ingredients or finished products. In the pharmaceutical industry, you can use it to store raw materials used in pharmaceutical formulations. The tank can also be used to house intermediate products during manufacturing. The 350-litre capacity vertical design utilises small spaces and is suitable for small to medium-scale industrial applications.
- General
- SKU316S530
- LocationBarneveld
- Makeunknown
- Typeunknown
- No.unknown
- Year of constructionunknown
- Main Features
- MaterialStainless steel
- Volume300 Ltr.
- Specified Features - Vertical tank
- MaterialStainless steel
- Closed vertical tank
- Capacity300 Ltr. (nett. 240 Ltr.)
- Vessel sizesdia. 600x1100 mm
- With cover
- Dished bottom
- Manholedia. 180 mm
- Top connectionsdia. 63 mm
- Outletdia. 22 mm
- With jacket
- Without motor
- Information
- Mounted on legs
- With switchas is
- Weight450 kg
- Floorspace1,2x1,2 m
- Total height2,1 m
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With an efficient design and manageable size, the 300-Ltr vertical tank has numerous industrial applications. You can use it to store chemicals and solvents used in chemical manufacturing. Since the 300-litre vertical tank is made of stainless steel and meets strict hygiene standards, it is suitable for use in the food and beverage industry, enabling you to store liquid ingredients or finished products. In the pharmaceutical industry, you can use it to store raw materials used in pharmaceutical formulations. The tank can also be used to house intermediate products during manufacturing. The 350-litre capacity vertical design utilises small spaces and is suitable for small to medium-scale industrial applications.